時間:2019年5月25日星期六 上午8:30-12:10;
嘉賓:Charles H. Noble,田納西大學教授,Journal of Product Innovation Management主編;
Kevin Bao,阿拉巴馬大學副教授,Industrial Marketing Management、Journal of Business Research編委;
1 | 8:30-9:00 | Sustainability orientation, the adoption of 3D printing technologies, and new product performance |
2 | 9:00-9:30 | Knowledge sharing and knowledge protection in strategic alliances |
3 | 9:30-10:00 | Does servitization promote radical innovation performance? |
4 | 10:00-10:30 | Corruption and entrepreneurship |
5 | 10:30-10:40 | Tea break |
6 | 10:40-11:10 | The curvilinear relationship between team informational faultlines and creativity |
7 | 11:10-11:40 | Value co-creation in new service development: A process-based view of resource dependency |
8 | 11:40-12:10 | The role of task conflict in cooperative innovation projects |