



bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)30周年院慶學術(shù)論壇之二十五——香港中文大學 Vincent Lai教授學術(shù)報告

作者: 編輯: 發(fā)布時間:2014-06-26

講座嘉賓:Vincent Lai(Prof., Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dept of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics)

講座題目:Bidding strategies in online auctions: Extending the findings from single-unit auctions to P2P lending auctions

講座時間:6月30日   16:00-17:00



This seminar is on the presentation of bidding strategies identified in online single-unit auctions. These identified strategies are then evaluated according to their winning outcome, 

consumer surplus extraction, perceived enjoyment, and bidder satisfaction. Both objective and subjective data of online single-unit auctions are collected from Taobao.com to validate our 

postulated hypotheses. We find three main bidding strategies in these auctions -- early, snipe, and agent-supported ratchet bidding -- based on their behavior patterns. These strategies 

lead to different levels of bidder satisfaction, winning outcome and cost saving, but have no significant effect on perceived enjoyment. Findings derived from online single-unit auctions will 

then be extended to investigate online P2P lending auctions. A research model based on stimulus-organism-response and social capital theories has been developed to investigate 

information asymmetry reduction, bidding motivation, and bidding strategies in the context of online P2P lending auctions. This model will be validated with empirical data collected from a P2P site in China.



