
講座通知:Frenemies in Platform Markets: Heterogeneous Profit Foci as Drivers of Compatibility Decisions 2016-12-01

講座人:陳建清,博士(The University of Texas at Dallas)



講座題目:Frenemies inPlatform Markets: Heterogeneous Profit Foci as Drivers of CompatibilityDecisions


Jianqing Chen is anassociate professor (tenured) in information systems at the Jindal School ofManagement at the University of Texas at Dallas and was previously an assistantprofessor at the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary. He receivedhis Ph.D. from McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austinand his Bachelor and Master from Tsinghua University. His general researchinterests are in electronic commerce, economics of information systems, andsupply chain management. His current research focuses are: (1) social media anduser-generated content; (2) search engine advertising; (3) platform businessmodels; and (4) supply chain risk management. His papers have been published intop academic journals across different fields, including Information SystemsResearch, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing,Production and Operations Management, Journal of Management InformationSystems, Economics Letters, Decision Analysis, and Decision Support Systems. Hereceived ISS Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award of INFORMs in 2016 and wonDean's Award for "Outstanding New Scholar" in 2009. He received theBest Paper awards for the Fifteenth Conference on Information Systems andTechnology (CIST) in 2010 and for the China Summer Workshop on InformationManagement (CSWIM) in 2007, 2012, and 2015. He is currently an Associate Editorof Information Systems Research and of Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.He co-chaired CSWIM 2016, and co-chair E-Business Cluster of INFORMs in 2013and co-chaired Information Systems Cluster of INFORMs in 2014.
