郭宏學位論文及已發(fā)表論文目錄 2019-05-06 [1] Hong Guo, Wanli Li, Yuxiang Zhong. Political Involvement and Firm Performance- Chinese Setting and Cross-country Evidence[J]. Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money, 2019, 59(03): 218-231.[2] Wanli Li, Hong Guo. The Different Changes of Value Relevance of Earnings Between SOEs and NSOEs After Adoption of IFRS: Evidence from China[J].Journal of Applied Business Research,2016,32(3):1-12[3] Hong Guo, Wanli Li. The Different Changes of Value Relevance of Earnings Between SOEs and NSOEs After Adoption of IFRS[C].//American Accounting Association, Chicago, Illinois, U.S., Aug 8,2014-Aug 12,2014.[4] Wanli Li, Hong Guo. The Influence of Political Involvement on Performance of State-owned Enterprises—Evidence from China[C].//American Accounting Association, Washington DC, U.S., Aug 4, 2018-Aug 8, 2018[5] 郭宏,李婉麗.政治治理能改善國有上市公司業(yè)績嗎?[J].中國經(jīng)濟問題.(已錄用)[6] 郭宏,李婉麗.政治治理、管理層權力與國有企業(yè)過度投資[J].管理工程學報.(已錄用) 論文題目:公司政治治理對我國國有上市公司盈余質量的影響研究專業(yè):工商管理學號:4111008046公示時間:2019.5.6公示地點:院圖書館 bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)教務中心