bwin必贏唯一官網(wǎng)博士生學位論文及已發(fā)表論文目錄公示(白蕓) 2020-09-14 個人信息: 姓名:白蕓 專業(yè):工商管理 學號:4116008050 班級:博1641班 導師:李福荔 學位論文題目: 學位論文題目“領(lǐng)導的職場負面八卦行為對員工工作績效的影響機制研究” 已發(fā)表論文目錄: [1] Yun Bai, Jie Wang, Tingting Chen, Fuli Li. Learning from supervisor negative gossip: The reflective learning process and performance outcome of employee receivers[J/OL]. Human Relations, 2019-10-19. DOI: 10.1177/0018726719866250 [2] Yun Bai, Jie Wang, Tingting Chen, Fuli Li. Learning from Supervisor Negative Gossip: The Reflective Learning Process [C]. 79th Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Aug 8, 2019-Aug 13, 2019. DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2019.16331abstract 公示時間: 2020年9月14日